Messeforum’s carbon neutral exhibition stand is a responsible choice

In these times, it is important to make responsible choices that do their bit for the planet in business too.

Messeforum’s exhibition stands are always carbon neutral. By going for a solution which respects the nature and ordering your exhibition stand from Messeforum Oy, you are helping to save our climate.

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Choosing Messeforum’s carbon neutral exhibition stand shows that you want your engagement in trade fairs to be positive for the climate protection

Messeforum is the first exhibition stand builder in the world to always deliver carbon neutral exhibition stands. Join us in being a trailblazer, demonstrate that you are acting responsibly on climate change, and gain a competitive edge by ordering your exhibition stand from Messeforum!

We also give you a certificate verified by a reliable body to show that the greenhouse gas emissions of your stand are zero. You can use this certificate in your own branding.

Watch our video to see what our CEO Arto Varanki has to say about the carbon neutral exhibition stand.


The emissions of our carbon neutral exhibition stands are calculated in detail

Messeforum’s carbon neutral stand is founded on Messeforum’s climate strategy and detailed analysis of the emissions caused by our operations. Our partner in calculating and analysing emissions is the expert company OpenCO2net Oy, which is specialised in encouraging responsible, carbon neutral business and calculating carbon footprints.

We have worked with OpenCO2net Oy to survey the sources of emissions in designing, building and dismantling our stands. Our carbon footprint has been calculated using the carbon footprint platform and applying its extensive database. The calculations are based on emission calculation standards.

The calculation of our carbon footprint incorporates all sources of emissions, including construction materials, furniture and equipment and their transport, the electricity used in the stand, business travel involved in construction on site and transporting waste for waste treatment or for re-use when the stand is dismantled.

Energy and materials play a key role in reducing the carbon footprint

We reduce the carbon dioxide emissions caused by our stands by improving the efficiency of our use of materials, choosing low-emission materials and encouraging a circular economy. We re-use materials and furniture as far as possible, while ensuring that our exhibition stands are always stylish and of high quality.

The electricity used in our stands is always from renewable energy sources where available. The waste from dismantling our stands is sorted and processed in line with the exhibition centres’ recycling programmes.

At the same time, we are also committed to reducing our carbon footprint in all our operations, e.g. including our own office environment in which we use only renewable energy. We also favour paperless and remote work.

Reliable and additional compensation with CO2esto‘s emission cutter

Those carbon dioxide emissions that we cannot mitigate ourselves through our choice of materials, recycling or other means, are entirely offset for  each stand through a reliable offsetting channel using CO2esto’s Emissions Cutter. CO2esto buys emission allowances out of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and keeps the purchased allowances off the market.

EU ETS is an officially monitored system in which all the major European industrial players like airlines and industrial plants and power plants must participate and buy allowances for their activity. The amount of emission allowances available in the market is limited. When we purchase the allowances, we nullify them so that they are no longer available for other companies. Thus, another operator in the EU, for example the big industrial enterprises who can not buy as much of emissions any longer as before, must reduce its emissions and invest accordingly in new technologies with lower emissions in order to be able to continue its operations.

Thus, along with our actions, emissions in Europe are reduced genuinely, additionally and reliably. The end result is an exhibition stand whose carbon emissions are 0 grammes.

Continue reading below

Responsible exhibition business

Messeforum’s values are rooted in social and environmental responsibility and honest and ethical business. The shared wellbeing of humanity as a whole is important to us and we want to shoulder our responsibility for tackling climate change. This is why our product is carbon neutral.

Our operations are guided by the UN’s sustainable development goals. We especially emphasise the goal of affecting the future wellbeing of our planet by preventing global warming. We have also signed up to the ten principles of the United Nation’s Global Compact initiative, which include responsibility in areas of environment, human rights, labour and anti-corruption, and we report yearly as required by the UN Global Compact.

Un Global compact

UN Global Compact report


In line with carbon neutrality standards

Messeforum’s carbon neutral stand is based on international standards that define carbon neutrality. The emissions from our business are accurately surveyed and calculated reliably using OpenCO2net Oy’s carbon footprint calculator. This is based on the ISO 14067 standard on the carbon footprint of products.

All our carbon footprint calculations are verified by OpenCO2net Oy. OpenCO2net also checks that the emissions remaining after our own emission mitigation measures are reliably offset with additionality. Thanks to our verified calculations, the stands we produce have been awarded the Carbon Neutral label. The label is validated by DNV, one of the world’s leading certification bodies.

In line with the standards, we have committed to achieving and maintaining carbon neutrality in our production. Based on ISO 14068 standard we have drawn up a carbon footprint management plan which we update each year in line with current standards. We also report on the actions we have taken to reduce our emissions and on the results we have received. Besides the emissions of our product, we also calculate and analyze the emissions of our whole company. A resumé of the latest report as a part of the statement of our CEO can be found on this website.

Carbon neutral exhibition stand

Reporting carbon neutrality


Contact us and we will design a carbon-neutral exhibition stand for you too!

Also check out the photo gallery of our exhibition stands.

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